what is the point circle

Equation of circle in standard form

what is the point circle: A circle which has  zero ( 0 ) distance (radius) from point ( . ) is called point circle .In other word; The point is called point circle because a point has no distance (radius).

Example : When r = o then the point is called point circle.

what is equation of circle:

(i ) C ( h , k) be a centre of circle.

(ii)   r be the radius of circle .

( iii)  P ( x , y)  be any point on the circle .

Equation of circle in standard form

We know distance formula

| C P |  = r  distance between P ( x , y ) to the centre of circle is equal to the radius  of the circle .

| C P |²  = r ²  =  ( x – h ) ² + ( y – k )²  = r ²

( a )

| C P |²  = r ²

( b )

( x – h ) ² + ( y – k )²  = r ²

This equation is known as equation of circle in standard form.


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