implicit function symbolically and graph

Implicit function symbolically and graph 2

Implicit function symbolically and graph: if x and y are so mixed, cannot be expressed in terms of the independent variable is called an implicit function of x.

Implicit function symbolically and graph

For example:

(i)  x²+x.y+y²=2

(ii) x.y² -y+9 /x.y =1

are implicit function of x and y.

Symbolically, it has written as f(x, y)=0

Graphs of Implicit function:

(a) graph of circle of the form x²+y²=a²

Example 1: implicit function symbolically and graph

Graph of circle x²+y²=4           (1)


The graph of equation x²+y²=4 is a circle of radius 2. Centered at origin and hence there are vertical lines that cut the graph more than once, this can also been seen algebraically by solving (1) for y in terms of x.

y = ±√4-x²

The equation does not define y as a function of x.

For example:

if x=1 then y= ±√3

hence (1,+√3) and (1,-√3) are two point on the circle and a vertical line passes through these two points.

We can regard the circles as the union of two semé circles.

y =√4-x²   and y=– √4-x²

Each of which defines y as a function of x.

Implicit function symbolically and graph 2

We observe that if we replace (x, y) in turn by (-x, y) and (-x, y)and (-x, -y), there is no change in the given equation. Hence, the graph is symmetric with respect to the y-axis and x-axis and the origin.

x=0 implies y²=4 ⇒ y=±2

x=1 implies y²=3 ⇒ y=±√3

x=2 implies y²=0 ⇒ y=0

by assigning values of x. we fined the value of y. so we prepare a table for some value of x and y satisfying equation (1)

Radius 2

if when x=2 then y=0 

if when y=2 then x=0

   x     0   1    √3    2     -1   -√3   -2
    y   ±2   ±√3   ±1    0   ±√3     ±1     0

plotting the graph (x, y) and connecting them with the smooth curve as shown in figure. We get a graph of the figure.