Discriminant Laws of any Equation

Discriminant Laws of any Equation

Discriminant Laws of any Equation:The nature of the roots of an equation depend on the value of the expression b² -4ac, which is called its discriminant.

Discriminant Laws of any Equation

Discriminant Law one: 1

If b² -4ac =0 then the roots will be – b/ 2a and – b / 2a

So the roots are real and repeated equal.

Discriminant Law two: 2

If the roots b²- 4ac < 0 then √ b² – 4ac will be imaginary.

So the roots are complex / imaginary and distinct/unequal.

Discriminant Law three: 3

If the roots b²- 4ac > 0 then √ b² – 4ac will be real.

However, If b² – 4ac is a perfect square then √ b² – 4ac will be rational, and irrational

 So the roots are rational, otherwise irrational.


Discriminant Laws of any Equation.

We discuss the Discriminant Laws of any expression.

(1) x² + 2x + 3 = 0        (2) 2 x² + 5x -1 =0

(3) x² -7x + 3 = 0        (4) 9 x² -12x +4 =0


(1) x² + 2x + 3 = 0 

Comparing x² + 2x + 3 = 0 with Ax ² +bx +c= 0, we have

a =1, b = 2, c = 3

Disc = b² – 4ac 

Disc = (2)² – 4(1)(3)= -8 < 0

Disc  < 0

See discriminant Law two (2)

therefore, the roots are complex /imaginary/unequal.

(2) 2 x² + 5x -1 =0

Comparing 2 x² + 5x -1 = 0 with Ax ² +bx +c= 0, we have

a =2, b = 5, c =-1

Disc = b² – 4ac 

Disc = (5)² – 4(2)(-1)=25+ 8 =33

Disc  > 0 (means discriminant greater than zero)

See discriminant Law Three (3)

So the roots are irrational and unequal.

Solution :

(3) x² -7x + 3 = 0

Comparing 2 x² -7x +3 = 0 with Ax ² +bx +c= 0, we have

a =2, b = -7, c = 3

Disc = b² – 4ac 

Disc = (-7)² – 4(2)(3)=49-24=25=5²

Disc >0

Therefore, the roots are real and unequal.


(4) 9 x² -12x +4 =0

Comparing 9x² -12x + 4 = 0 with Ax ² +bx +c= 0, we have

a =9, b =-12, c = 4

Disc = b² – 4ac 

Disc = (-12)² – 4(9)(4)= 144-144 = 0

Disc  = 0

See discriminant Law one (1)

Therefore, the roots are real and equal.