Set builder notation Example

three form of set notation

Set builder notation Example:

three form of set notation

Set builder notation Example Descriptive form          of  set Tabular form of       set  Notation
     { x/x ∈ N ∧ 15 }  Set of first 15 natural number {1,2,3,4…….}
 { x/x ∈ N ∧ 2<x<14 } Set of natural number between 2 and 14  { 3,4,5…….13}
{ x/ x ∈ Z ∧ -4 <x< 4}  Set of integer between -4 and 4 {-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3}
{ x/ x ∈ E ∧ 2 <x≤ 4} Set of even number between 2 and 5    {4}
{ x/ x ∈ p ∧  x<14} Set of prime number less than 14 {2,3,5,7,11,13}
{ x/ x ∈ O ∧ 5 < x< 17}  Set of odd integer between 5 and 17 { 7,9,11,13,15}
{ x/ x ∈ E ∧ 4 ≤x≤ 10} set of even integer between 4 and 10 { 4,6,8,10}
{ x/ x ∈ E ∧ 4 < x< 6} Set of even integer between 4 and 6 { }
{ x/ x ∈ O ∧ 5 ≤ x≤ 7}  Set of odd integer from 5 to 7 {5,7}
 { x/ x ∈ N ∧  x +4 =0} Set of natural number satisfying equation x+4 =0  { } because x = -4∉ N
{ x/ x ∈ Q ∧  x² =2} Set oer satisfying equation   x² = 2f Rational numb { }  because x =±√2

but x =±√2 ∈ Q’

{ x/ x ∈ R ∧  x =x } Set of real number satisfying equation     x =  x  R
{ x/ x ∈ Q ∧  x = -x } Set of rational number satisfying equation  x = -x {o}  because x = -x

⇒x + x = 0  ⇒2 x = 0 ⇒ x =0

{ x/ x ∈ R ∧  x ≠2}  Set of real number except 2  R – { 2 }
{ x/ x ∈ R ∧  x ∉ Q} Set of all real number which are not rational i.e  set of rational number  Q ‘


Roster or tabular form of set

Order of a set

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