less than meaning example in math

less than meaning in math

Less than meaning sign is usually denoted by in math < (less than). When we are given   numerical numbers less than six, all natural number. We write mathematically notation < 6. Number less than mean 1,2,3,4,5 and when we are given less seven all whole number we write as mathematically sign < 7 mean all whole number 0,1,2,3,4,5,6

less than meaning in math

Greater than meaning sign (>):

Greater than mean, the number are greater > from the given numbers. For example, greater than six mean all natural numbers greater than 6. In mathematically notation as  > 6. We write these number start from 7 and written as N = 7,8,9,10…………. undefined


(i)5  > 6

(ii) 6  >7

Less or equal to meaning (≤):

Less than or equal to means the given number are included. For example, the all natural number less or equal to 6. We write mathematical sign ≤ 6 means N= 6,7,8,9…………….undefined.


(i) 6 ≤ 6, 5, 4 ……..

(ii)  -1  ≤-1,  +1, +2….

Greater or equal to meaning(≥):

Greater or equal to in math the numerical numbers or things of all type include  (include means the numbers or things are added). For example, when we are given all whole number ≥ 3. Greater or equal to 3 means. W=3,4,5,6…………undefined.


(i) 6 ≥ 6, 7, 8 ……

(ii)  -1 ≥  -1, -2, -3……

Less than meaning sign  (<):

Less than means, in math, the numbers or things are less than from the given number. For example all integer less than zero we write this in mathematical sign < 0. Z = -00001,-.0002,-.0003 ……….-1…….-1.5………….. Undefined


(i) 5 < 7   (ii) 0 < -1  (iii) -1 < -2