x y coordinate system of rotation

x y coordinate system of rotation

x.y coordinate system of rotation: Let x y coordinate system be given. We

We rotate the x y coordinate system about the origin through an angle θ, where 0 < θ < 90°, resulting in the new axes O. X and O. Y. Consider a point P with coordinates (x, y) in the x y system. Let (X, Y) be the coordinates of point P in the X Y coordinate system. We need to find X and Y in terms of the given coordinates x and y. α represents the angle that OP makes with Ox.

about the origin through an angle θ means 0< θ < 90° so that the new axis are O.X and O.Y   as shown in the diagram. Let a point P has coordinated (x, y) referred to the x y system of coordinates. Suppose p has coordinated (X, Y) referred to the X Y coordinate system. We have to fined X, Y in terms of the given coordinate x, y. Let α be a measure of the angle that OP makes Ox.

x y coordinate system of rotation

x y coordinate system of rotation proof:

From P, draw PM perpendicular to ox and PM and perpendicular to Ox.

Let | OP | =r. From the right angle ∆ OPM‘ we have

OM’ =X = r cos (α – θ)………………..(1a)

M’P= Y= r cos (α – θ)………………..(1b)

these equations can be written as

X = r cos α cos θ + r sin α sin θ

Y = r cos α cos θ – r sin α sin θ

Also, from the ∆ OPM we have

x = r cos α          y = r sin α   ………..(2)

Equation 2 can be written as

r = x / cos α     and    r =  y / sin α

Putting the value of 2 in equation 1 we get the result

X = x cos θ + y sin θ

Y = y cos θ – x sin θ

that become

(X, Y) = (x cos θ + y sin θ, y cos θ – x sin θ)

are the coordinate of P referred to the new axis OX and O Y.


Distance formula rule