table of standard ellipse

Table of standard ellipse

Equation x² /a²  +y² / b²  =1 when a > b

            c²= a² – b²   TYPE   1   ↓

x² /b²  +y² / a²  =1 when a > b

            c²= a² – b²   TYPE  2  ↓

Focus (± C,  0) (± C,  0)
Major axis y= 0 x=0
Directrices x = ± c / e² y = ± c / e²
Vertices (± a,  0) (0, ± a)
Co vertices (0, ± b) (± b,  0)
Center (0,  0) (0,  0)
Eccentricity e= c / a < 1 e= c / a < 1

Graph of an Ellipse Type 1 and 2

Let the equation of the ellipse be

x² /a²  +y² / b²  =1

table of standard ellipse

since only even powers of both  x and y occur in the figure,  The cure is symmetric  with respect to

both the axis

From the figure, we note that

x² /a² ≤ 1   and  y² / b²  ≤  1 

that is

x²  ≤    a²        and    y²   ≤   b²

-a ≤  x ≤  a    and    -b ≤  x ≤  b

thus, all the points or within the rectangle. The curve meets the x-axis at A (-a, 0) and

it meets the y-axis at B(0, -b)  B'(0,  b)

The graph of the ellipse is

x² /b²  +y² / a²  =1        a >  b


(1) each ellipse have length of major axis = 2a

(2) each ellipse of minor axis = 2b

(3) each ellipse length of Latusrectum = 2b² / a

(4) Foci  lies on the major axis


Find an equation of ellipse having center at (0, 0) focus at (0, -3) and one vertex at (0,4)Example :


length of the major axis is

a = 4

foci = F= 3

from b²  = a² – c ²

b²  = 16 – 9

b²  = 7

b  = √ 7  which is the length of semi minor axis

since the Foci lies on the y-axis equation


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