standard equation of parabola proof

standard equation of the parabola proof


The standard equation of a parabola can be proved by considering the general equation of a parabola and transforming it into its standard form. The general equation of a parabola is in the form y = ax^2 + bx + c. By completing the square, we can rewrite this equation as y = a(x – h)^2 + k, where (h,k) represents the vertex of the parabola. This transformation allows us to identify the values of a, h, and k, which are crucial in determining the shape and position of the parabola. Thus, the standard equation of a parabola can be derived through this proof.

Standard equation of parabola proof, if we take focus of the parabola as F (a, 0), a > 0 (constant value of an is positive direction)  and its DirectX as line L whose equation is x= -a then the equation become of the form

standard equation of the parabola proof

Let P (x, y) be a point on the parabola, so by definition.

standard equation of parabola …………. A

Now |PM| = x+a

and putting the value of B in A 

\small \small \left | PF \right |=\sqrt{\left ( x-a \right )^{2}+\left ( y \right )^{2}}=x+a……….. B

\small \left ( x-a \right )^{2}+y^{2}=\left ( x+a \right )^{2}

standard equation of parabola proof

which is the standard equation of parabola

standard equation of parabola proof Definition:

(1) axis of the parabola

the line passes through the focus and perpendicular to the DirectX

is called axis of the parabola when y-axis = 0 that is y= 0

that is, y² = 4ax

(2) Vertex of the parabola

The point where the axis meet the parabola is called the vertex of the parabola

Clearly, the equation(C) has vertex A(0,0). The line through A and perpendicular to the axis

of the parabola has equation x = 0. It meets the parabola at a coincident point and

so it is tangent to the curve at A.

(3) Chord of the parabola:

A line joining two distinct point on a parabola is called a chord of the parabola.

(4) Focal chord of parabola: 

A chord passing through the focus of a parabola is called the focal chord of the parabola.

(5) Latusrectum of the parabola:

The focal chord, perpendicular to the axis of the parabola from (1) is called latusrectum.

of the has an equation x = a, and it intersects the curve at the point.


y² = 4 a²      or y = ± 2a

Thus, the coordinate of the end points L and L’ of the latusrectum are

L (a, 2a)  and L’ (a,  -2a)

The length of the latusrectum is |LL’|  =  4a 

(6) Parametric equation of the parabola

The point (at², 2at) lies on the parabola y²  = 4 a.x for any real t.

X = at²,    y =  2at

are called parametric equation of the parabola

y² = 4ax