Roster or tabular form of set

Roster or tabular form of set

Roster or tabular form of a set ; all elements of a set can be counted and listed or limited in number, object, names, country name, food atom, food type, countries, ten school names of Multan, are closed in bracket with separate comas {……}  Is called roster or tabular form of a set.Roster or tabular form of set image.

Roster or tabular form of set

Roster form of set sign {}

 {some element with comas}

Empty set in Roster form sign

{no element in the set} = {} = φ


Roster or tabular form of a set of Examples

Type of form Roster form or Tabular form Descriptive form
Example 1 N= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} Natural number less than seven
Example 2 W = {8,9,10,………..} Whole number greater than eight
Example 3 Z ={-1,-2,-3,-4……..} set of integers less than zero
Example 4 Z = {1,2,3,4………} set of integers greater than zero
Example 5 Z= {0.1,2,3……..} set of integers greater or equal to zero
Example 6 Q ={0…….1/4……… 1/2……….1} set of rational numbers greater or equal to zero less or equal to one
Example 7 O = {1,3,5,7} set of first four odd numbers
Example 8 E =  {2,4,6,8,10} set of Even numbers less or equal to ten
Example 9 P = {2,3} Set of prime factors of 18

More Example in Roster form of set


Last three words of the English alphabet

Answer: In set roster form

x  = {x, y, z}


x is a set of real numbers less or equal 10

Answer in roster form:

X = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,910}

this set is builder form of set ⇓

X = {x | x ∈ N and x ≤ 10}

Q :

A is the set of “UNIFORM” vowel words

Roster form

A = {i, o, u}