Multiplicative inverse of real number

multiplicative inverse in set theory

Multiplicative inverse of real number: The element ”  1 / a ” is called Multiplicative inverse of real number ” a ”

multiplicative inverse in set theory


∀   a ∈  R ( a ≠ 0) ,   ∃   1 / a ∈ R

such that

a × 1 / a = 1/ a ×a  =1

 ∀  Read as ( for all )

a ∈ ( means is a part of real number )  R ( a ≠ 0)

∃ ( means  there exist)   1 / a ∈ R


7, 1/7 ∈ R  ⇒   7 × 1 / 7 = 1  = 1 /7 × 7

Multiplicative identity of real number:

The element ” 1 ” is called multiplicative identity of real number


∀   a ∈  R  ,   ∃   1 ∈ R

such that

a × 1 = 1 ×a  =a


5 ∈ R ⇒  5 × 1 = 5 = 1 × 5

Commutative property of real number w.r.t multiplication

The product of two real numbers is independent of order in which they are multiplied


∀ a, b ∈ R ,  a.b = b.a


2,4  ∈ R  this implies that 2 × 4 = 8 = 4 ×2

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