Laws of exponent pcs exam.

Laws of exponent pcs exam.

In the exponent notation, a ⁿ  we say that in mathematical word (read as base a to the n power). We call ‘a’ is the base and ;n; is the exponent of power to which the base is raised.

From this definition, recall that we have the following law of exponent.

If a, b ∈ R and m, n are positive integers, then

(1)Law of addition exponent

when base are same and exponent are different, only exponent add

Law of addition exponent pcs exam
When base are same and exponent different


3^{3}\times 3^{2}= 3^{3+2}=3^{5}   Proper and improper subset example

(2) Base are different and power are same

when base are different and power are same, then law of exponent is the form.

 base is different and power are same in Law of exponent pcs exam

EXAMPLE: pcs exam

example law of exponent

(3)Different base power exponent:

Different base power exponent

(4) Rational law of exponent:

we have two rational number a, b and whole power n then the law of exponent is the form

Rational law of exponent pcs exam
Where a and b are integer complete power n

Laws of exponent pcs exam.

(5)Different power rational law of exponent:

when base are same and powers are different

Different power rational law of exponent


world power (exponent) is zero equal to 1 God is one

a^{0}=1\, where\, \, a\, \neq 0

(7)Negative law of exponent

when base power negative then law of exponent form

negative law of exponent pcs exam