finite and infinite set ppt test

Finite set and infinite set

Finite and infinite set for ppt test

Finite set: 

If a set is equivalent to the set (1,2,3………….n) for some fixed natural number n then the set is said to be finite set is called finite set. The number of different element mentioned or measuring posses in the finite set.

Finite set and infinite set

Finite and infinite set ppt symbol is denoted by: n(S)

It depends upon the number, finite or infinite.

If a set B has the element {2,4,6,8}. The set has four even number denoted by symbolically n(B)= 4


If a set is equivalent to the set (1,2,3) for not some fixed natural number then the set is said to be infinite set is called infinite set.

Set of natural number N, set of integer Z, set of whole number W is an infinite set.

Finite and infinite set

(1)  six examples of finite set:

1. Let P = {5, 11, 17, 19, 23}

Then, P is a finite set and n(P) = 5

2. Let N = {natural numbers less than 24}

Then, N is a finite set and n(N) = 23

3. Let W = {whole numbers between 5 and 44}

Then, R is a finite set and n(W) = 37

4. Let S = {x : x ∈ Z and x² – 64 = 0}

Then, S = {-8, 8} is a finite set and n(Z) = 2.

5. The set of all persons in Pakistan is a finite set.

6. The set of all students in peer gala school   is a finite set.

(2) SIX Examples of infinite set:

1. The set of all points in a Cartesian plane is an infinite set.

2. The set of all points in a circle is an infinite set.

3. The set of all negative integers which is a multiple of 3 is an infinite set.

4. W = {0, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ………} i.e. set of all zero to undefined numbers is an infinite set.

5. N = {1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8 ……….} i.e. set of all one to undefined numbers is an infinite set.

6. Z = {………-5,-4, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,3,4,5 ……….} i.e. set of all integers is an infinite set.

After finite and infinite set ppt example, the student will be able to pass the test.


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