ellipse in standard form concept


Ellipse in standard form concept

Let F(-c, 0) be the focus and the line x = -c / e ² be the directrix of an ellipse with the eccentricity e that is (0, e < 1). Let p(x, y) be any point on the ellipse and suppose that |PM| is the perpendicular distance of P from the directrix then.

|PM| =  x +  c / e ²

The condition |PF| = e |PM|

Analytic form:

Standard form of an ellipse concept 1

(x+c)² +y² = e² (x + c / e ²)²

x²+2.c.x+c² + y²=  e²x²+2 c.x + c ² / e²

x ² (1 – e ²) + y² = c² / e ²(1 – e²)

x ²(1 – e²)  + y ² = a ² (1 – e ²) 

where c / e = a

x ² / a ²+   y² / a² (1 – e²) = 1………………… A

if we write

b² = a ² (1 – e²)

then equation A become

standard form of an ellipse concept ………………… B

Which is an equation of standard form.

Eccentricity of the ellipse is e  = c / a

We have

b² = a ² (1 – e²)

    = a ²  – a ² e² 

    = a ² – c ²

Eccentricity when b < a, of ellipse:

(i) from, the relation b² = a ² (1 – e²) we note that b < a

(ii) since we have c / e  = a , the focus F has coordinated (- a.e, 0) and the equation

of the DirectX is x =  – a / e

Foci of an ellipse:

(iii) If we take the point (a.e,   0) as focus and the line x = a / e as DirectX, it can be seen easily

that, we again obtained equation A. thus the standard form of ellipse has two Foci  (- a.e, 0) and (a.e, 0)

and two directrix X = ± a / e

Parametric form of an ellipse from equation B:

ellipse in standard form more concept:

The point (a cos θ, b sin θ) lies on equation A for all real θ


X = a cos θ

Y = b sin θ

If we put b = a,   in equation B then it becomes

x² + y² = a ²

Which is a circle. In this case, b² = a ² (1 – e²) = a ² and e = 0.

Thus, a circle is a special case of an ellipse with eccentricity 0 and Foci tending to the circle