conic section definition best

conic section definition best

Conic section definition the best Let L be a fixed line in a plane and F be a fixed point not on the line L. suppose that |PM| denote the distance of the point p(x, y) from the line L. the set of all points Pin the plane such that |PF| ÷|PM|= e (positive constant) is called a conic section.

conic section definition best

Conic section definition types best

(i) If e= 1,   then the conic is parabola 

(ii) If 0 < e  < 1 then the conic is an ellipse.

(iii) If e > 1 then the conic is hyperbola.

The fixed line is called the directrix and the fixed point F is called a focus

of the conic. The number e is called the eccentricity of the conic.

General form of an equation of a parabola:

Let F(h, k) be the focus of the line, l x + my + n=0 be the DirectX of the parabola of a parabola. An equation of the parabola can be derived by the definition of the parabola. 

Let P(x, y) be a point of the parabola. The length of the perpendicular PM from p(x, y) to the Directix is given by

\small \left | PM \right |=\frac{\left | lx+my+n \right |}{\sqrt{l^{2}+m^{2}}} that is

\small \left ( x-h \right )^{2}+\left ( y-k \right )^{2}=\frac{\left ( lx+my+n \right )^{2}}{l^{2}+m^{2}}

is a general form of an equation of the parabola.

Second degree equation of the form of parabola:

A second degree equation of the form

ax² + by²+2gx+ 2fy+ c=0

with either a= 0 or b =0 but not both zero, to represent a parabola the equation can be

analyzed by completing the square

Parabola types: 

(1) if the focus lies on the y-axis with coordinate F(0, a) and directrix of the parabola

y= -a then equation of the parabola is


x² = 4ay

(2) if the focus is F(0,a) and directrix is the line y = a then the equation of the parabola is

x²  = -4ay

(3) If the focus of the parabola is F (-a, 0) and its is the line x = a then the equation of the

parabola is

y² = -4ax

the curve is symmetric with respect to the x-axis and lies in the second and third quadrant.