Matrix definition all types ppt
Matrix definition all types ppt: (1) A matrix has only one row is called row matrix and enclose within brackets. Example: (2) A matrix is called a column matrix if …
Matrix definition all types ppt Read MoreEducation Latest courses
Matrix definition all types ppt: (1) A matrix has only one row is called row matrix and enclose within brackets. Example: (2) A matrix is called a column matrix if …
Matrix definition all types ppt Read MoreThe function ƒ is increasing before x =0, and also it is increasing after x=0 such a point of the function is called the point of inflexion. Point of inflexion derivative …
point of inflexion derivative rule Read MoreImplicit function symbolically and graph: if x and y are so mixed, cannot be expressed in terms of the independent variable is called an implicit function of x. For example: …
implicit function symbolically and graph Read MoreArea under the curve integration concept about 300 B.C and around the mathematician succeeded to fined the area of the plane region like triangle, rectangle, trapezium and regular polygon etc. …
area under the curve integration Read MoreContinuous and discontinuous function:A function f is said to be continuous at a number “c” if and only if the following three cases are satisfied: Discontinuous function: If one or …
continuous and discontinuous function Read MoreLeft-hand limit and right-hand limit: Left-hand limit: The limit of f(x) is equal to L As x approaches c from the left, That is for all x sufficiently close to …
Left hand limit and right hand limit Read MoreLimit of a function concept is divided into two part (1) descriptively (2) numerically (1) By finding the area of circumscribing regular polygon: Consider a circle of unit radius …
Limit of a function concept Read MoreMeaning of the phrase” x approaches to infinity” Suppose a variable x assumes in succession a series of value as multiple of 10 start from 1 x approaches to infinity …
x approaches to infinity means Read MoreTypes of function example (1) Into function: If function f such that A→B is such that Range f ⊂ B that is Range f ≠ B then f is said …
types of function example Read More