3.14159 is rational or irrational, is an important irrational number called PI is denoted by mathematical symbol π Which denote the constant ratio of the circumstance of any circle to the length of the diameter
An approximate value of is 22/7, a better approximation is 355/113
and a still better approximation is 3.14159.correct to 5 lac decimal places
has been determined with the help of the computer
hence, 3.14159 is rational or irrational prove upper discussion.
0.5 is rational number
Yes, 0.5 = 1/2 is a rational number by rational number definition. Which number can be written in the form p/q where, p is an any number, q is also an any number and q ≠ 0
mathematical definition of rational number
p, q ∈ Z (set of integer) and (∧) q ≠ 0
The numbers √16, 3.7, 4 are the example of rational number.
√16 can be reduced to the form p/q where p, q ∈ Z and q does not equal to zero (q≠0)
√16=4= 4/1
The number cannot be written in the form p/q
Where p, q ∈ Z and q ≠ 0
The numbers √2, √3, 7/√5, √5/16 are irrational numbers.
Non-terminating decimal:
A non-terminating, non-recurring decimal is a decimal
which is neither terminate nor it is recurring .it is nor possible
to convert such a decimal into common fraction.
Thus, a non-terminating , non-recurring decimal represent as an irrational number
(1) 1.4042135……. is an irrational number.
(2) 1.719975987….. is an irrational number.
(3) 0.123455678……………. is an irrational number.
Terminating decimal:
A decimal, only a finite number which has only a finite number of digits
is called a terminating decimal.
Example of terminating decimal :
(1) 0 .17 (=17/100) is a rational number terminating.
0,4444 (=4444/1000) is a rational number terminating
Recurring terminating decimal:
another type of rational number recurring or periodic decimal is a decimal
in which one or more digit repeat definitely
Example of recurring terminating decimal
(1) 0.124124124….. is recurring terminating decimal
(2) 4.14561456…… is recurring terminating decimal.